5 Steps to a 5 AP Biology, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Cell Division ❮ 95

❯ Review Questions

  1. Which of the following plant types has the
    gametophyte as its prominent generation?
    A. Angiosperms
    B. Bryophytes
    C. Conifers
    D. Gymnosperms
    E. Ferns

  2. During which phase of the cell cycle does cross-
    ing over occur?
    A. Metaphase of mitosis
    B. Metaphase I of meiosis
    C. Prophase I of meiosis
    D. Prophase of mitosis
    E. Anaphase I of meiosis

For questions 3–6, please use the following answer

A. Prophase
B. Metaphase
C. Anaphase
D. Telophase
E. Cytokinesis

  1. During this phase, the split sister chromatids,
    now considered to be chromosomes, are moved
    to the opposite poles of the cell.

  2. During this phase the nucleus deteriorates, and
    the mitotic spindle begins to form.

  3. During this phase, the two daughter cells are
    actually split apart.

  4. During this phase, the sister chromatids line up
    along the equator of the cell, preparing to split.

  5. Which of the following organisms is diploid (2n)
    only as a zygote and is haploid for every other
    part of its life cycle?
    A. Humans
    B. Bryophytes
    C. Fungi
    D. Bacteria
    E. Angiosperms
    8. Which of the following statements is true about
    a human meiotic cell after it has completed
    meiosis I?
    A. It is diploid (2n).
    B. It is haploid (n).
    C. It has divided into four daughter cells.
    D. It proceeds directly to meiosis II without an
    intervening intermission.
    9. Which of the following is nottrue about cyclin-
    dependent kinase (CDK)?
    A. It is present only during the M phase of the
    cell cycle.
    B. When enough of it is combined with cyclin,
    the MPF (mitosis promoting factor) formed
    initiates mitosis.
    C. It is a protein that controls other proteins
    using phosphate groups.
    D. It is present at all times during the cell cycle.
    10.Which of the following statements about meio-
    sis and/or mitosis is incorrect?
    A. Mitosis results in two diploid daughter cells.
    B. Meiosis in humans occurs only in gonad cells.
    C. Homologous chromosomes line up along
    the metaphase plate during mitosis.
    D. Crossover occurs during prophase I of meiosis.
    E. Meiosis consists of one replication phase fol-
    lowed by two division phases.

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