5 Steps to a 5 AP Biology, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Signal transduction pathways begin with the recognition of a signal by a cell and
    ends with the cellular response.

  2. A blocked or defective signal transduction pathway can change the cellular
    E. Information transmission results in changes in biological systems.

  3. Organisms communicate and exchange information.

  4. Animal nervous systems perform a key role in the reception, transmittal, and pro-
    cessing of information to produce a response.

Big Idea 4: Interactions

A. Biological systems (from cells to ecosystems) contain parts that interact with each other.

  1. The properties of biological molecules are determined by their components
    (monomers and polymers).

  2. Organelles are essential to cell processes.

  3. Interactions between external stimuli and gene expression produce specialized cells,
    tissues, and organs.

  4. Complex properties in organisms are the result of interactions among their con-
    stituent parts.

  5. Populations of organisms interact in communities.

  6. The movement of matter and flow of energy are a result of interaction between
    communities and their environment.
    B. Biological systems are characterized by competition and cooperation.

  7. The structure and function of a molecule are influenced by its interaction with
    other molecules.

  8. Cooperative interaction within organisms promotes efficiency.

  9. Interactions within and between populations affect species distribution and

  10. Ecosystem distribution changes over time (human impact accelerates change).
    C. Diversity within biological systems influences interactions with the environment.

  11. Variation in molecular units (e.g., different chlorophyll molecules, antibody pro-
    teins, or alleles of a gene) provides cells with a broad range of functions.

  12. Gene expression is influenced by environment.

  13. Variation influences population dynamics.

  14. Diversity affects ecosystem stability.

The Four “Big Ideas” of AP Biology ❮ xxiii

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