5 Steps to a 5 AP Biology, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

28 ❯ STEP 2. Determine Your Test Readiness

  1. E—If 9 percent of the population is recessive
    (ss), then q^2 =0.09. Taking the square root of
    0.09 gives us q=0.30. Knowing as we do that
    p+q=1,p+0.30=1, and p=0.70. The fre-
    quency of the heterozygous condition = 2 pq=

Questions from Chapter 13

  1. B—The stupid phrase we use to remember this
    classification hierarchy is “Karaoke players can
    order free grape soda”—kingdom, phylum, class,
    order, family, genus, and species. This question
    is sneaky because it requires you to know that a
    division is the plant kingdom’s version of the
    phylum. The kingdom is the least specific subdi-
    vision, and the species the most specific.
    Therefore, B is the correct answer.

  2. E—The dominant generation for bryophytes is
    the gametophyte (n) generation. They are the
    only plants for which this is true.

  3. A—Halophiles are a member of the archaebacte-
    ria subgroup of the monerans.

  4. D—Homosporous plants, such as ferns, give rise
    to bisexual gametophytes.

Questions from Chapter 14

  1. B—Thigmotropism, phototropism, and gravi-
    tropism are the major tropisms you need to
    know for plants. Thigmotropism, the growth
    response of a plant to touch, is the least under-
    stood of the bunch.

  2. A—Guard cells are the cells responsible for con-
    trolling the opening and closing of the stomata
    of a plant.

  3. D—This is known as cambium.

  4. A—There are five plant hormones you should
    know for the exam. Auxin seems to come up the
    most, but it would serve you well to know the
    basic functions of all five of them.

Questions from Chapter 15

  1. C—Smooth muscle is found in the digestive
    tract, bladder, and arteries, to name only a few.
    Answer choices A, D, and E are skeletal muscles.

  2. B—This hormone, which is involved in control-
    ling the function of the kidney, is released from
    the posterior pituitary.

  3. D—The small intestine hosts the most digestion
    of the digestive tract.

  4. B—Humoral immunity is another name for
    antibody-mediated immunity. Cell-mediated
    immunity involves T-cells and the direct cellular
    destruction of invaders such as viruses.

Questions from Chapter 16

  1. B—You should learn the general processes of
    spermatogenesis and oogenesis in humans for
    the AP Biology exam.

  2. A—The inner cell mass gives rise to the embryo,
    which eventually gives rise to the epiblast and
    hypoblast. The morula is an early stage of

  3. E—You should learn the list of structures derived
    from endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm. (This
    could be an easy multiple-choice question for you
    if you do.)

  4. C—Fertilization tends to occur in the oviduct,
    also known as the fallopian tube. The ovum is pro-
    duced in the ovary, and the cervix is the passage-
    way from the uterus to the vagina.

Questions from Chapter 17

  1. B—Chapter 17 is fairly short and concise. We left
    it to the bare bones for you to learn. We would
    suggest you learn this chapter well because it
    could be worth a good 5–7 points for you on the
    exam if you are lucky. ☺

  2. E

  3. A

  4. D

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