5 Steps to a 5 AP Psychology, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

294  STEP 5. Build Your Test-Taking Confidence

64.Which of the following disorders is most likely
related to the amount of light to which a suscep-
tible person is exposed?

(A) seasonal affective disorder
(B) claustrophobia
(C) Alzheimer’s disease
(D) catatonic schizophrenia
(E) disorganized schizophrenia

65.Mr. Gordon suffered damage to the back of his
right frontal lobe. As a result, he is unable to

(A) understand information he hears
(B) understand information he reads
(C) speak intelligibly
(D) move his left hand
(E) lift his right foot

66.A comprehensive final examination in AP
Psychology that consists of questions dealing
solely with motivation and emotion, social psy-
chology, and the biological basis of behavior
units lacks

(A) content validity
(B) predictive validity
(C) test–retest reliability
(D) alternate-forms reliability
(E) standardization

67.In a team tug of war, Ty did not pull as hard as
he would have if he were pulling alone against
one competitor. His behavior exemplifies

(A) deindividuation
(B) groupthink
(C) social loafing
(D) bystander effect
(E) self-serving bias

68.Functionalists such as William James were
mainly interested in

(A) the purpose of behavioral acts
(B) identifying the smallest unit of behavior
(C) the basic elements of consciousness
(D) teaching introspection
(E) studying the whole conscious experience

69.Mayella believes that getting a good grade on an
AP exam is a matter of luck. She most likely has

(A) high academic self-efficacy
(B) an internal locus of control
(C) an external locus of control
(D) high achievement motivation
(E) achieved self-actualization

70.Which of the following is NOT an anxiety

(A) panic disorder
(B) hypochondriasis
(C) agoraphobia
(D) post-traumatic stress disorder
(E) obsessive-compulsive disorder

71.Which of the following is not considered a pri-
mary facial expression?

(A) surprise
(B) disgust
(C) anger
(D) love
(E) fear

72.The most common form of Down syndrome
results during sex cell formation and fertilization

(A) three copies of chromosome 19
(B) three copies of chromosome 21
(C) loss of a chromosome
(D) failure of the separation of XX
(E) failure of the separation of XY

73.In time-out, a disruptive child who wants to stay
with his or her class is removed from the class-
room. This exemplifies

(A) positive reinforcement
(B) negative reinforcement
(C) positive punishment
(D) omission training
(E) classical conditioning

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