5 Steps to a 5 AP World History, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Welcome to the adventure of Advanced Placement (AP) World History! Enjoy the chal-
lenges of your studies. During the course of the year, you should be prepared to read widely
in both your text and readers. Expect to analyze all sorts of primary documents, from text to
political cartoons, photographs, paintings, maps, and charts; analytical skills are essential to
success on both the multiple-choice questions and the essay questions. You will write essay
after essay as you not only analyze primary documents but also compare issues and analyze
continuity and change over periods of time. Along the way, enjoy the fascinating story of
humankind and find a little of yourself among the peoples of other societies.
This study guide will ease your passage through the challenges of AP World History
to success on the AP examination. At first sight, the amount of material in the AP World
History course can appear a bit overwhelming. The goal of this manual is to present the
content material and test-taking skills so that you can approach the AP exam with confi-
dence. As a first step, turn now to the Introduction to learn about the 5-step study program
and how it can help you to organize your preparation.

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