5 Steps to a 5 AP World History, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Empires in the Americas h 143

  1. Both the Aztecs and Incas
    (A) allowed women a significant role in public
    (B) were originally nomadic people
    (C) had an egalitarian social structure
    (D) built on the traditions of their predecessors
    (E) integrated conquered peoples into their

  2. Aztec and Incan religions
    (A) restricted the worship of subject peoples
    (B) stressed a personal relationship with their
    (C) placed women in a subordinate position
    (D) widely practiced human sacrifice
    (E) reflected the agrarian nature of their respec-
    tive societies

  3. The natives of North America
    (A) built empires on the scale of those of
    (B) demonstrated no signs of contact with
    Mesoamerican or Andean societies or
    (C) established tribute empires
    (D) used architectural designs similar to those
    of Mesoamerica
    (E) were known for their widespread expertise
    in irrigation

  4. Which of the American societies altered their
    environment most extensively?
    (A) The Aztecs
    (B) The Mississippians
    (C) The Toltecs
    (D) The Incas
    (E) The Chimor
    5. The Aztec and Incan civilizations differed most
    significantly in their
    (A) religious institutions
    (B) technological skill
    (C) system of recordkeeping
    (D) social structure
    (E) economic structure
    6. Trade among the peoples of the Americas
    (A) united the Chimor and Inca people
    (B) was most similar in the Aztec and Toltec
    (C) was facilitated in the Andes by geography
    (D) remained local
    (E) was discouraged by the inhabitants of
    7. Which of the American peoples was closest to
    the Persians in their administrative style?
    (A) The Mayas
    (B) The Mississippians
    (C) The Aztecs
    (D) The Toltecs
    (E) The Incas
    8. Both the Aztecs and Incas
    (A) entered into marriage for political reasons
    (B) gained the cooperation of subject peoples
    (C) showed limited signs of urbanization
    (D) lacked a merchant class
    (E) were tribute empires

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Although the Aztecs built upon Mesoamerican tradition to establish a powerful empire in
the valley of Mexico, the Andean highlands also saw the emergence of an extremely native
empire in the centuries before European conquest. The Aztecs ruled other peoples with
brutality, whereas the Incas concentrated on integrating subject peoples into their empire.
Aztec peoples engaged in long-distance trade, while the Incas were noted for the careful
organization of their empire and their system of roads. In addition to the natives of Mesoa-
merica and Andean America, native peoples of the Mississippian culture of North America
also constructed large mounds used for ceremonial and burial purposes.

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