5 Steps to a 5 AP World History, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

h 189


21 Demographic and Environmental Developments


Summary:The Industrial Revolution brought a number of changes in the
environments of industrialized nations. A population increase in the West,
China, and Japan during the eighteenth century provided the labor force
needed by the factory system but also added new challenges. Industrial
pollution plagued urban areas. Migration between the Eastern and Western
hemispheres enriched the cultural makeup of the Americas.

Key Terms
Maori* romanticism*
pogrom* theory of natural selection
quantum physics theory of relativity

The Population Revolution in the West

In the middle of the eighteenth century, the population of Western Europe increased dra-
matically. Among the causes of this increase were the end of episodes of epidemic disease
and the improved diets resulting from increased consumption of potatoes. Infant mortality
rates decreased, whereas larger numbers of healthy adults resulted in a higher birth rate.
Larger populations provided a ready labor supply for the new factories.
Industrialization also contributed to patterns of migration. Substantial numbers of
people, especially young adults, migrated from the country to the city in search of employ-
ment in factories, upsetting the makeup of the traditional Western family. Another pat-
tern of migration involved the movement of the middle class away from the central city to
emerging suburbs.

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