5 Steps to a 5 AP World History, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

198 i PERIOD 5 Industrialization and Global Integration (c. 1750–c. 1900)

Latin American nations. Latin American trade
increased after the independence movements of
the 1820s (A). The slave trade ended in the late
nineteenth century (C). Latin American nations
imported manufactured goods (D). Local arti-
sans suffered because of the importation of
European goods (E).

  1. E—Much of world trade in this period benefited
    Western colonial powers, who imposed their
    manufactured goods on the developing world,
    increasing the economic power of the West (B).
    China suffered an outflow of silver because of
    the opium trade (A). Latin America became
    dependent on U.S. and European manufactured
    goods (C). Trade was active in the Indian and
    Pacific oceans in addition to the Atlantic (D).

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