5 Steps to a 5 AP World History, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

h 207


24 Western Imperialism


Summary:The strengthening of European nation-states and the technologi-
cal changes brought by the Industrial Revolution gradually began to erode
the European balance of power achieved by the Congress of Vienna. As
European nation-states competed for power, they turned to colonies to
supply them with raw materials and with markets for their manufactured
goods. The rivalries among European nations were carried out in the terri-
tories of non-Western nations. The United States also realized its imperialist
ambitions in Latin America and the Pacifi c.

Key Terms
Berlin Conference* Manifest Destiny
Boer War* Raj
Boers* Sepoy Rebellion*
economic imperialism* sepoys*
Great Trek Social Darwinism*
imperialism* Spanish-American War*
Indian National Congress*

The Background of Imperialism

Imperialism, or the quest for empire, was in part a result of the Indus trial Revolution.
The mechanization of industry and resulting improve ments in transportation brought new
demands for raw materials, such as palm oil as a machine lubricant and rubber for tires.
The industrial age also:

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