5 Steps to a 5 AP World History, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

258 i PERIOD 6 Accelerating Global Change and Realignments (c. 1900 to the present)

  1. Which of the following is the LEAST common
    migration pattern from the 1960s to the present?
    (A) From Asia to Europe
    (B) From Europe to the United States
    (C) From Mexico to the United States
    (D) From the Middle East to Europe
    (E) From Africa to Europe

  2. The largest displacement of people in the twenti-
    eth century was
    (A) Albanian refugees leaving Kosovo
    (B) the exchange between Muslim and Hindu
    areas after the partition of India
    (C) illegal Mexican immigrants to the United
    (D) displaced persons after World War II
    (E) refugees from Vietnam in 1975
    3. Which of the following is true of population
    growth since 1914?
    (A) The AIDS crisis has produced a marked
    decline in African population.
    (B) Religious opposition has caused China to
    abandon its one-child policy.
    (C) Population growth is not detrimental to
    rural environments.
    (D) Cultural traditions and religious beliefs
    often promote population growth.
    (E) Non-Western governments have not inter-
    fered in population control.
    4. The key pattern of migration in the twentieth
    and twenty-first centuries has been
    (A) from wartorn areas to those at peace
    (B) from rural to urban areas
    (C) from urban to rural areas
    (D) from developing to developed nations
    (E) from developed to developing nations

the Persian Gulf and set fi re to Kuwaiti oil fi elds. Industrial pollution and human waste
continued to plague many of the world’s waterways. In Eastern Europe industrialization
severely polluted half the area’s rivers and endangered farmland. Pollution was responsible
for respiratory diseases and higher rates of infant mortality. Population growth in rural
areas of Africa and Asia often led to overgrazing and deforestation; depletion of the rain
forest was a factor in global warming.
Some progress in protecting the environment was made. Governments of industrial-
ized nations identifi ed the chemicals that cause ozone depletion in the upper atmosphere
and limited their use. Antipollution devices were installed on automobiles, planes, and
industrial smokestacks.

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Population issues in the period since 1914 have revolved around migration and control of
population growth. Migration in the period has most frequently been from developing to
developed nations and, second, from rural to urban areas. The latter often has resulted in
the establishment of shantytowns along the perimeters of major urban areas. Guest workers
often became the victims of discrimination, especially in Europe. Although some govern-
mental programs limited population growth, many rural areas in Africa and Asia suffered
from depleted farmland insuffi cient to handle their population. Issues of poor air and water
quality, global warming, and the devastation wrought by warfare remained.

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