5 Steps to a 5 AP World History, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

32 i STEP 2. Determine Your Test Readiness

gender equality, patriarchal societies persist in
many world cultures. Some products, such as
U.S. toys and popular restaurant selections,
have been modifi ed to become more attrac-
tive to other cultures (A). Traditional religions
such as Shinto and Islamic fundamentalism are
becoming more attractive, especially to young
people (B). Critics of globalization assert that
its rapid economic development has destroyed
the environment (D).

  1. A Japan adopted a constitution modeled on
    that of the United States; India is a parlia-
    mentary democracy. Only India was divided

by secessionist movements (D). Only Japan
enjoyed economic prosperity (B). Only India
was affected by the Green Revolution (C).

  1. D Both Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa
    had expected to prosper economically after
    independence; the expected prosperity did not
    materialize. Latin America especially continued
    to observe a social hierarchy with a vast gap
    between rich and poor (A). Sub-Saharan Africa
    experienced intense ethnic rivalries within
    its new states (B). Both regions experienced
    numerous political coups and changes in gov-
    ernment (C).

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