5 Steps to a 5 AP World History, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

44 i STEP 3. Develop Strategies for Success

Compared to most African colonies, the British colony in India

(A) was allowed more practice in self-government.
(B) was a model of technology transfer.
(C) did not receive the benefi ts of improved transportation.
(D) did not rebel against its European imperialist power.

Answer (A) is correct; the British allowed Indians to engage in some local rule. Answer (B)
is incorrect; neither African colonies nor India were recipients of much technology transfer.
Answer (C) is incorrect because both benefi ted from the transportation systems initially
established for the colonizing nations. Answer (D) is incorrect; the Sepoy Rebellion was a
revolt against British rule in India.
The following are some frequently asked questions concerning the multiple-choice section.

  1. If I don’t know an answer, should I guess or leave the question unanswered? There
    is no guessing penalty on the multiple-choice section. If you do not know an answer,
    you should select the answer choice that you think is correct. Unanswered questions
    will be scored as incorrect answers.

  2. What strategy should I use to narrow the possible answer choices? Of the four
    answer choices found in each question, one is often obviously incorrect. In addition to
    the correct choice, there is often another answer which is almost correct. Another pos-
    sibility is that two of the answer choices are correct, but one is a better answer than the
    other. The best advice is to read the question very carefully to determine exactly what
    the question is asking, then eliminate the weaker answers until you arrive at the best

  3. Will I be required to know a lot of dates and people to answer the multiple-choice
    questions? Some knowledge of specifi c dates and people will be necessary to answer
    the multiple-choice questions. For the most part, however, the multiple-choice ques-
    tions on the Advanced Placement World History examination ask you to compare soci-
    eties, issues, or trends within one or more of the Advanced Placement World History
    time periods or to analyze how societies, issues, or trends have changed and remained
    the same over one or more time periods.

The Document-Based Question

After completing the multiple-choice section, you will have the remaining 2 hours and
10 minutes of the exam to complete the three essays, or free response, questions. You will
receive a booklet that contains the prompts for all three free-response questions, and a
second booklet with lined paper for your responses. You may answer the free response ques-
tions in any order. During this portion of the test, you will have to budget your own time;
you will not be told at which point you are to move on to the next question.
The suggested time for answering the document-based question is 50 minutes. You
should spend approximately 10 minutes reading the documents, 5 minutes in prewriting,
and 35 minutes writing your essay. The document-based question usually contain between
4 and 10 documents. Although some of the documents will be text, others may be photo-
graphs, drawings, political cartoons, maps, graphs, or charts. In order to successfully answer
the document-based question (DBQ ), you need to meet the following requirements:


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