AP Statistics 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Interesting Diversion: You  will    find    a   number  of  different   regression  expressions in  the STAT    CALC
menu: LinReg(ax+b), QuadReg, CubicReg, QuartReg, LinReg(a+bx), LnReg, ExpReg,
PwrReg, Logistic , and SinReg . While each of these has its use, only LinReg (a+bx) needs to be
used in this course (well, LinReg (ax+b) gives the same equation—with the a and b values reversed,
just in standard algebraic form rather than in the usual statistical form).

Exam    Tip: Also   remember,   when    taking  the AP  exam,   NO  calculatorspeak.    If  you do  a   linear
regression on your calculator, simply report the result. The person reading your exam will know that
you used a calculator and is NOT interested in seeing something like LinReg L1,L2,Y1 written on your

It may be worth your while to try several different transformations to see if you can achieve linearity.
Some possible transformations are: take the log of both variables, raise one or both variables to a power,
take the square root of one of the variables, take the reciprocal of one or both variables, etc.

Rapid Review

  1.      The correlation between two variables   x and   y is    0.85.   Interpret   this    statement.

    Answer: There is a strong, positive, linear association between x and y . That is, as one of the
    variables increases, the other variable increases as well.

  2. The following is a residual plot of a least-squares regression. Does it appear that a line is a good
    model for the data? Explain.

Answer: The residual    plot    shows   a   definite    pattern.    If  a   line    was a   good    model,  we  would   expect  to
see a more or less random pattern of points about 0. A line is unlikely to be a good model for this

  1.      Consider    the following   scatterplot.    Is  the point   A   an  outlier,    an  influential observation,    or  both?   What

    effect would its removal have on the slope of the regression line?

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