AP Statistics 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The conditions  are present to  construct   a   one-proportion  z interval.

We  are 95% confident   that    the true    proportion  of  people  who will    get the flu despite getting the
vaccine is between 11.9% and 19.5%. To say that we are 95% confident means that the process used
to construct this interval will, in fact, capture the true population proportion 95% of the time (that is,
our “confidence” is in the procedure, not in the interval we found!).

  1.     (a)         We  are 95% confident   that    the true    proportion  of  subjects    helped  by  a   new anti-inflammatory

    drug is (0.56, 0.65).
    (b) The process used to construct this interval will capture the true population proportion, on
    average, 95 times out of 100.

  2. We have . Because the hypothesis is two sided, we are

concerned   about   the probability of  being   in  either tail of  the curve   even    though  the finding was larger
than expected.

Then,   the P   -value  =   2(0.1788)   =   0.3576. Using   the TI-83/84,   the P   -value  =
2normalcdf(0.92,100) .

  1.     The problem states  that    the samples were    randomly    selected    and that    the scores  were    approximately

    normally distributed, so we can construct a two-sample t interval using the conservative approach.
    For C = 0.99, we have df = min{23 – 1, 26 – 2} = 22 t = 2.819.
    Using a TI-84 with the invT function, t
    = invT(0.995,22 ) .

0   is  a   likely  value   for the true    difference  between the means   because it  is  in  the interval.   Hence,  we
do not have evidence that there is a difference between the true means for males and females.

Using   the STAT    TESTS   2-SampTInt function on  the TI-83/84,   we  get an  interval    of  (-5.04, 7.24),  df
= 44.968. Remember that the larger number of degrees of freedom used by the calculator results in a
somewhat narrower interval than the conservative method (df = min{n 1 – 1, n 2 – 1}) for computing
degrees of freedom.

  1.     The power   of  the test    is  our ability to  reject  the null    hypothesis. In  this    case,   we  reject  the null    if   >

    36.5 when μ = 38. We are given s = 0.99. Thus

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