pair, vertical axis is the second
Shape —geometric description of a dataset: mound-shaped; symmetric, uniform; skewed; etc.
Significance level (α)—probability value that, when compared to the P -value, determines whether a
finding is statistically significant
Simple random sample (SRS) —sample in which all possible samples of the same size are equally likely
to be the sample chosen
Simulation —random imitation of a probabilistic situation
Skewed —distribution that is asymmetrical with data bunched at one end and a tail stretching out in the
Skewed left (right) —asymmetrical with more of a tail on the left (right) than on the right (left)
Spread —variability of a distribution
Standard deviation —square root of the variance;
Standard error —estimate of population standard deviation based on sample data
Standard normal distribution —normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1
Standard normal probability —normal probability calculated from the standard normal distribution
Statistic —measure that describes a sample (e.g., sample mean)
Statistical control —holding constant variables in an experiment that might affect the response but are not
one of the treatment variables
Statistically significant —a finding that is unlikely to have occurred by chance
Statistics —science of data
Stemplot (stem-and-leaf plot) —graph in which ordinal data are broken into “stems” and “leaves”;
visually similar to a histogram except that all the data are retained
Stratified random sample —groups of interest (strata) chosen in such a way that they appear in
approximately the same proportions in the sample as in the population
Subjects —human experimental units
Survey —obtaining responses to questions from individuals
Symmetric —data values distributed equally above and below the center of the distribution
Systematic bias —the mean of the sampling distribution of a statistic does not equal the mean of the
population; see unbiased estimate
Systematic sample —probability sample in which one of the first n subjects is chosen at random for the
sample and then each n th person after that is chosen for the sample
t -distribution —the distribution with n – 1 degrees of freedom for the t statistic
t statistic—