AP Psychology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

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Monocular cues—clues about distance based on the image of one eye.
Monocular cues include interposition or overlap, relative size, aerial perspective or rela-
tive clarity, texture gradient, relative height or elevation, linear perspective, relative
brightness, motion parallax, and accommodation.

Binocular cues—clues about distance requiring two eyes.
Binocular cues include the more important retinal disparity and convergence.

Optical or visual illusions—discrepancies between the appearance of a visual stimulus
and its physical reality. Common examples of visual illusions include reversible figures,
illusory contours, the Muller-Lyer illusion, Ponzo illusion, and moon illusion.

Schemas—concepts or frameworks that organize and interpret information.

ESP (extrasensory perception)—the controversial claim that perception can occur
apart from sensory input.

Parapsychology—the study of paranormal events that investigates claims of ESP,
including telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, and telekinesis or psychokinesis.

Sensation and Perception ❮ 101


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