AP Psychology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

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Language—communication system based on words and grammar; spoken, written, or
gestured words and the way they are combined to communicate meaning from person
to person and to transmit civilization’s accumulated knowledge.

  • Phonemes—smallest units of sound in spoken language;

  • Morphemes—the smallest unit of language that has meaning;

  • Grammar—a system of rules that enables us to communicate with and understand

  • Syntax—rules that are used to order words into grammatically sensible sentences;

  • Semantics—a set of rules we use to derive meaning from morphemes, words, and

  • Babbling—an infant’s spontaneous production of speech sounds; begins around
    4 months old;

  • Holophrase—one-word utterances that convey meaning; characteristic of a 1-year-old;

  • Telegraphic speech—meaningful two-word sentences, usually a noun and a verb,
    and usually in the correct order uttered by 2-year-olds;

  • Overgeneralization or overregularization—application of grammatical rules
    without making appropriate exceptions (“I goed to the store”);

  • Behavioral perspective—language is developed by imitating sounds we hear
    to create words;

  • Nativist perspective—idea that the human brain has an innate capacity for acquiring
    language (language acquisition device) possibly during a critical periodof time after
    birth, and that children are born with a universal sense of grammar (Noam Chomsky);

  • Social interactivist perspective—babies are biologically equipped for learning
    language which may be activated or constrained by experience;

  • Linguistic relativity hypothesis—our language guides and determines our thinking
    (Whorf ). It is more accurate to say that language influences thought.

Cognition ❮ 145


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