AP Psychology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. You hate surprises.
    If you fit this profile, consider Plan A.

You’re a One-Semester Prep Student If:

  1. You plan a graduation party or vacation a few months in advance so that people you
    invite will be likely to be available, and you can get everything you need.

  2. You generally get to the airport in enough time to pass through security without feel-
    ing hassled, and get to the gate before boarding has begun.

  3. You are willing to plan ahead to feel comfortable in stressful situations, but are okay
    with skipping some details.

  4. You feel more comfortable when you know what to expect, but a surprise or two is cool.

  5. You arrive on time for appointments.
    If you fit this profile, consider Plan B.

You’re a 6-week Prep Student If:

  1. You buy your best friend a gift for his or her birthday, but you need to include a belated
    card because you missed it by a couple of days.

  2. You work best under pressure and tight deadlines.

  3. You feel very confident with the skills and background you’ve learned in your AP
    Psychology class.

  4. You decided late in the year to take the exam.

  5. Surprises energize you.

  6. You feel okay if you arrive 10–15 minutes late for an appointment.
    If you fit this profile, consider Plan C.

Table 2.1 Three Different Study Plans for AP Psychology
Plan A: Full School Plan B: One
Month Year Semester Plan C: 6 Weeks
September Introduction; Chapters 1–4 — —
November Chapters 5–7 — —
December Chapters 8–10 — —
January Chapters 11–13 Chapters 1–4 —
February Chapters 14–16 Chapters 5–10 —
March Chapters 17–18 Chapters 11–16 —
April Take Practice Exam 1; Chapters 17–18; Skim Chapters 1–13;
Review everything Take Practice Study Rapid Reviews; Answer
Exam 1 all Review Questions
May Take Practice Exam 2; Review Skim Chapters
Review as needed everything; 14–18; Study
Take Practice Rapid Reviews;
Exam 2 Answer all Review
Questions; Take Practice
Exams 1 & 2

10 ❯ STEP 1. Set Up Your Study Plan

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