AP Psychology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

290 ❯ STEP 5. Build Your Test-Taking Confidence

28.Joan strongly believes in capital punishment.
After discussing capital punishment with only
other people who believe in capital punishment
in a chat room, Joan is most likely to
(A) believe more strongly in capital punishment
(B) believe less strongly in capital punishment
(C) not have changed her views at all
(D) want more information about capital punish-
ment before deciding how strongly she
supports capital punishment
(E) not want to discuss capital punishment any

29.Answering multiple-choice questions is often
easier than answering fill-in or completion ques-
tions, because multiple choice questions
(A) provide more retrieval cues
(B) enhance retention of information
(C) check memorization rather than critical
(D) are definitional rather than conceptual
(E) are easier to encode than completion questions

30.A neutral stimulus that signals an unconditioned
stimulus begins to produce a response that antic-
ipates and prepares for the unconditioned stimu-
lus during
(A) acquisition trials
(B) generalization
(C) extinction trials
(D) spontaneous recovery
(E) operant conditioning

31.According to Jean Piaget, egocentrism, animism,
and trial-and-error learning are characteristic of
the stage of development known as
(A) preoperational
(B) sensorimotor
(C) concrete operational
(D) adolescence
(E) formal operational

32.Blinking, sneezing, flinching, and coughing are
examples of the type of behavior called the
(A) instinct
(B) reflex
(C) habit
(D) thought
(E) arc

33.Stephen is going through his second divorce. He
thinks that no woman will ever love him again.
His therapist points out to Stephen that his
thinking is irrational and faulty. Which of the
following therapies is the therapist employing?
(A) psychoanalysis
(B) systematic desensitization
(C) flooding
(D) rational emotive
(E) client-centered
34.Delia was accepted to both Harvard University
and Yale University and is having difficulty
choosing which school to attend. With which of
the following conflicts is she faced?
(A) frustration–aggression
(B) intrinsic–extrinsic
(C) approach–avoidance
(D) approach–approach
(E) avoidance–avoidance
35.EEGs that consist primarily of alpha and beta
waves are characteristic of
(A) consciousness
(B) stage 1 sleep
(C) stage 2 sleep
(D) stage 3 sleep
(E) stage 4 sleep
36.A psychologist focusing on whether develop-
ment occurs in stages is most interested in which
of the following controversies?
(A) nature versus nurture
(B) continuity versus discontinuity
(C) stability versus change
(D) subjectivity versus objectivity
(E) individualism versus collectivism
37.Collective unconscious, archetypes, and individ-
uation are personality concepts most closely
associated with
(A) Sigmund Freud
(B) Carl Jung
(C) B. F. Skinner
(D) Karen Horney
(E) Albert Bandura
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