AP Psychology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

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56.Dr. Bonneau helped a company redesign its
offices to raise morale and productivity of the
employees. With which of the following sub-
fields of psychology is Dr. Bonneau most likely
(A) counseling
(B) educational
(C) industrial/organizational
(D) developmental
(E) social

57.Shafi cited Tony’s and David’s 100% math test
scores in providing evidence that boys do better
in math than girls. His failure to recognize that
seven girls in the class earned 100% while only
two boys earned that score best exemplifies
(A) hindsight bias
(B) confirmation bias
(C) functional fixedness
(D) proactive interference
(E) retroactive interference

58.Which of the following usually increases with age
in healthy adults between the ages of 18 and 70?
(A) fluid intelligence
(B) crystallized intelligence
(D) speededness
(E) IQ scores

59.In general, the best presentation time between
the conditioned stimulus and unconditioned
stimulus to produce classical conditioning is
(A) delayed
(B) simultaneous
(C) trace
(D) backward
(E) temporal

60.Which of the following is generally considered a
disadvantage of longitudinal developmental
I. It is extremely costly
II. Members of the original study drop out over
III. The cohort effect
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I and II only
(E) I, II, and III
61.After she used address stickers sent by a charity
in the mail, Brittany felt obligated to mail a
donation to the organization that sent the stick-
ers. Brittany’s behavior illustrates
(A) stereotyping
(B) the fundamental attribution error
(C) the mere exposure effect
(D) the reciprocity norm
(E) groupthink
62.Which best represents the path of an impulse
over a reflex arc?
(A) receptor, afferent neuron, interneuron, effer-
ent neuron, effector
(B) receptor, efferent neuron, interneuron, affer-
ent neuron, affector
(C) sensory neuron, interneuron, afferent
neuron, efferent neuron, effector
(D) effector, sensory neuron, afferent neuron,
interneuron, receptor
(E) sensor, sensory neuron, motor neuron, effer-
ent neuron, effector
63.“Mommy gived me a cookie” best illustrates a
basic understanding of
(A) phonemes
(B) prelinguistic speech
(C) holophrases
(D) grammar
(E) etymology

AP Psychology Practice Exam 2 ❮ 293



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