Keyword “consequently.”
TUSQR. Sentence T builds on the Topic Sentence’s mention of “Wild tiger populations in Southeast Asia” by introducing the
more specific focus of the paragraph on the wild tiger population “In India alone.” It tells us that there were “40,000 in
1901,” which is followed by the contrast of “1970, however,” when there were “fewer than 2,000” in U. Sentence S comes
next by referring back to “this rapid decline.” Finally, Q comes before R because R’s mention of “this view” refers directly
back to what “scientists believe.”
SRQUT. “The site” in sentence S refers directly back to the mention of “an online tax return website” in the Topic Sentence.
It tells that “researchers attempted to predict the popularity of such a service,” and R refers back to these “Studies by the
IRS.” Sentence Q, with “this data,” refers back to the finding that “most taxpayers with Internet access would use the new
service.” U presents contradictory evidence by introducing the findings of “an unheeded independent survey,” and T signals a
conclusion with the Keyword “Clearly.”
QTRUS. Q follows from the Topic Sentence by providing an example of how “a single word can sometimes be used in
completely contradictory ways” with “For example, the word ‘cleave.’” Sentence T, with “the same word,” refers directly
back to this example and provides the second of its two contradictory meanings. R follows Q and T, referencing “these two
meanings.” U and S relate a conclusion that can be drawn from this example, and S is last because “this assessment” refers
back to U’s statement that “the identification of two meanings as contradictory as these is as unhelpful as not knowing the
word’s meaning at all.”