New York City SHSAT 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



If one juror had never been able to agree with the others, then the members of the jury never came to a unanimous agreement;
they never reached a verdict (A). (B) is wrong because it contradicts this idea. (C), (D), and (E) may all be true statements,
but we have no know way of knowing for sure from the information in the question stem.



This Verbal Deduction question revolves around an improvement in medicine. We’re told that people diagnosed with disease
X lived only six months to a year in the 1920s—whereas nowadays with treatment they can live five years or longer. (J) is
the valid conclusion. The other choices involve too much inference; nothing is said about curing the disease (F) or how many
people survive the disease (G). Likewise, there is no information about how disease X compares to other serious diseases
(H) or whether the 1920s saw the worst outbreak of disease X (K).



The trick here is to recognize that the second sentence does not say where Bernard’s treadmill is; it may or may not be at City
Fitness. Only if the treadmill is at City Fitness is he violating the rules; in other words, if he is not violating the rules, he is
not running at City Fitness (B). (E), the closest wrong answer, is out because Bernard could be running at City Fitness and
just flouting the rules.



Choice (J)’s conclusion is based solidly on (and is really not much more than a restatement of) the information we have, that
students who have already studied one foreign language initially learn a second language faster than do students with no prior
foreign-language learning experience. Choices (F), (G), and (H) base their conclusions on unwarranted assumptions as well
as the information in the question stem, so they are wrong. Choice (K) contradicts the information in the question stem.



Let’s go through the answer choices. (A) may be true—Ewing could have done one commercial for free—but it doesn’t have
to be true; we need the choice that has to be true. (B) is not a conclusion based strictly on information in the question stem;
neither is (C) or (E). Choice (D) is the choice that has to be true: If athletes who accept money are expected to appear in
three commercials and Ewing accepted money but appeared in only one commercial, then he has not done what is expected of



Set up two different columns to keep track of each painting’s features.

portrait landscape
Statement 2 brown frame
Statement 3 ?? ??


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