New York City SHSAT 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The Passage

As you learned earlier, reading for the SHSAT is not exactly like the reading that you do in school or at home. As a general rule, you
read to learn or you read for pleasure. It’s a pretty safe bet that you’re not reading SHSAT Reading passages for the fun of it. If you
happen to enjoy it, that’s a fabulous perk, but most people find these passages pretty dry. You should also be clear about the fact that
you are not reading these passages to learn anything. You are reading these passages so that you can answer six questions about each
one. That’s it. Reading to answer a few questions is not the same thing as reading to learn.


You are not reading the passages to learn. You’re reading to answer questions. There’s a difference.

The main difference between reading to learn and reading to answer questions is that the former is about knowledge and the latter is
only about points. Anything that doesn’t get you points is a waste of time for the purposes of the test. The SHSAT Reading section is
not a place to learn anything new. Therefore, your goal is to read in such a way that you maximize your chances of getting points on
the questions. The questions will ask you about the main idea, a few details, and a few inferences. You need to get enough out of the
passage to deal with these questions.

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