New York City SHSAT 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


You might be asked to estimate or round off a number on the SHSAT. There are a few simple rules to rounding. Look at the digit to
the right of the number in question. If it is 4 or less, leave the number as it is and replace all numbers to the right with 0s.

For example, round the number 765,432 to the nearest hundreds digit. The hundreds digit is 4, but the important digit to pay attention
to is the number to its right, the tens digit. Because this digit is less than 5 (it is 3), you should round to the nearest hundred below
this number, or 765,400 (rather than rounding up to 765,500).

If the digit to the right of number in question is 5 or greater, increase the number in question by 1 and replace all numbers to the right
with 0s.

For example, 765,553 rounded to the nearest 100 would be 765,600.

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