New York City SHSAT 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Word problems, by definition, require you to translate English to math. Some word problems contain an extra level of translation. If
you have not looked at the section on Strange Symbolism and Terminology in the Arithmetic Review chapter, take a look at it now.

Symbolism word problems are like any other word problems. You just need to translate the English and the symbols into math and
then solve.

Assume that the notation Δ(w, x, y, z) means “Divide the sum of w and x by y and multiply by z.” What is the value of Δ(10, 4, 7, 8) +
Δ(2, 6, 4, 5)?

First, translate the English/symbols into math.

Next, plug the values into the equation.

Now try a testlike question.


Assume that the notation a − b means “Subtract 12 from the product of ab and then round the result to the nearest 10.” What is the
value of 14 − 10?


(A) 120

(B) 128

(C) 125

(D) 130

(E) 140

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