New York City SHSAT 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
From the completed diagram, you see that Liz sits on Sean’s left, choice (B).

This question is easy once you have the diagram. Ron sits on Karen’s right (F).



Passage I is a science passage about desert plants and how they adapt to their environment. Paragraph 1 describes a variety
of different ways in which plants adapt to the shortage of water in the desert. Paragraph 2 gets into the ways in which plants
regulate their food-making process, photosynthesis, without losing “significant amounts of water” (line 21).

The first sentence of the passage indicates what it’s about—the “special adaptations” that desert plants have made for “living
in extremely dry conditions.” Wrong choice (A) is just a detail mentioned towards the end of paragraph 2. (B) is too broad—
photosynthesis is discussed in paragraph 2, but the whole passage isn’t about photosynthesis. Competition (D) is only one
aspect of how plants survive. And shortage of water in the desert (E) is only discussed in reference to desert plants.



What do most successful desert plants have to do? The passage goes into a lot of detail about how specific plants deal with
their environment. Most of these adaptations relate to how plants deal with the lack of water around them—they’re desert
plants, right? Choices (F) and (K) are mentioned as ways in which specific plants cope with the water shortage. Choices (G)
and (J) are aspects of desert life that aren’t mentioned in the passage.



Lines 9–11 tell us that some desert plants have shallow, widespread root systems to help them soak up “very occasional but
heavy rainfalls.” What kind of root systems would plants in tropical rain forests need? Well, rain forests have a plentiful
supply of water, so you can infer that rain forest plants wouldn’t need such widespread root systems, making (C) the correct



Lines 30–31 indicate that the stomates are tiny openings on the surface of plants that open and close as part of the process of
photosynthesis. The function of these openings is described earlier in lines 20–23; the plants absorb carbon dioxide through
them, and lose water through them.



Lines 16–21 state that plants make their food by the process of photosynthesis, which involves absorbing carbon dioxide
through tiny openings on the plant surfaces. “When absorbing carbon dioxide, however, plants lose significant amounts of
water....” Therefore, (D) is correct. The mechanism by which plants shed their leaves or close them up (A) is not described
in the passage. The tiny openings, or stomates, do enable the plant to survive both day and nighttime temperatures (B), but this
is not either of the twin purposes being discussed in line 21. The ability to secrete poison (C) is mentioned only in reference
to the creosote bush in paragraph 1. And plants absorb carbon dioxide; they don’t secrete it as (E) suggests.


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