Verbal Overview
The Verbal Section is the first section on the test. It contains 45 questions but accounts for one-half of your total points on the
SHSAT. The suggested time for the section is 75 minutes, or 1 hour and 15 minutes.
The breakdown of the Verbal Section is as follows:
As you can see from the graphs, there are five fewer Scrambled Paragraphs than Logical Reasoning questions, but the two
subsections account for the same total value on the test. This is because each Scrambled Paragraph has the same value as two of any
other question type. However, what should be abundantly clear is that the bulk of your points on the SHSAT will come from the
Reading section.
This does not mean, by the way, that you should not prepare for Scrambled Paragraphs or Logical Reasoning. Rather, it’s just good
to know where the bulk of the points will come from. Also, if you’re running out of time before the test and cannot devote as much
time as you would like to prepare, dedicate more time to Reading than to the other Verbal question types.