Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

have finished the other questions.

All These Tips Are Interesting, but How Many Questions Do I Need to Get Right to


Each exam is different. Assuming your essays are average (keep in mind that they will determine one-
third of your grade), you need to earn approximately 60 points on the multiple-choice section to earn a
“3,” 70 points to earn a “4,” and 80 points to earn a “5.”

Finally, Remember to Apply Some of What You’ve Learned About Psychology to

How You Study

■ It’s  better  to  space   out your    studying    over    many    days    than    to  cram    for the same    amount  of  time    right
before the exam.
■ Studying is important, but so is sleep. You’ll think better if you’re well rested.
■ According to the Yerkes-Dodson law (Chapter 8), a moderate level of arousal will help you
perform well on the test. Although you do not want to be so anxious that you can’t focus, you will
want to “psych” yourself up for the test.

Although the official AP Psychology course description includes the names of many famous psychologists (all described within this book!),
we want to highlight the ones whom you are most likely to be asked about on the AP exam. They are listed in the table below, along with the
chapter(s) in which you can find more information about them and their major contributions to the field.
Psychologist Chapter Major Contributions to Psychology
Solomon Asch Social Psychology (14) Conformity and impression formation experiments
Albert Bandura Learning (6), Personality (10) Social-learning theory (modeling); reciprocal determinism; self-
Albert Ellis Treatment of Psychological
Disorders (13)

Rational    emotive behavior    therapy (REBT)

Erik    Erikson Developmental   Psychology  (9) Psychosocial    stage   theory  of  development
Sigmund Freud Personality (10), Developmental
Psychology (9), States of
Consciousness (5)

Psychosexual    stage   theory  of  personality;    stressed    importance  of
unconscious and sexual drive; psychoanalysis; theory of dreaming

Harry   Harlow Developmental    Psychology  (9) Attachment  studies with    infant  monkeys
Lawrence Kohlberg Developmental Psychology (9) Stage theory of moral development
Abraham Maslow Motivation and Emotion (8),
Treatment of Psychological
Disorders (13)

Hierarchy   of  needs;  self-actualization

Stanley Milgram Social  Psychology  (14) Obedience  studies
Ivan Pavlov Learning (6) Classical conditioning—studies of dogs and salivation
Jean Piaget Developmental Psychology (9) Stage theory of cognitive development
Carl Rogers Treatment of Psychological
Disorders (13), Personality (10)

Person-(client-)    centered    therapy;    unconditional   positive    regard

B.  F.  Skinner Learning    (6) Operant conditioning—reinforcement; invented    Skinner box
John Watson Learning (6) Father of behaviorism; Baby Albert experiment—classically
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