Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
(D) feelings    of  inferiority
(E) bad memories

  1. What color are the shortest electromagnetic waves humans can see?

(A) green
(B) violet
(C) red
(D) orange
(E) yellow

  1. People who are able to be hypnotized easily are likely to score high on which of the following
    dimensions of the big five personality traits?
    (A) agreeableness
    (B) openness
    (C) conscientiousness
    (D) emotional stability
    (E) extraversion

  2. Due to brain damage, 10-year-old Genna underwent surgery to remove nearly the entire right
    hemisphere of her brain. Which of the following observations the day after the operation best
    illustrates the brain’s plasticity?
    (A) Genna was able to understand what was said to her.
    (B) Genna was able to speak.
    (C) Genna was able to move her left hand.
    (D) Genna was able to move her right leg.
    (E) Genna was able to solve a logic problem.

  3. Which of the following is the strongest piece of evidence for the idea that animals are capable of
    developing and using a sophisticated language?
    (A) The discovery of physical structures in animal brains are analogous to the language
    acquisition device in humans.
    (B) Primates quickly learn words that result in food rewards.
    (C) Systems of communication have been documented in species from honeybees to dolphins.
    (D) Apes have been able to use the words they know to express novel concepts.
    (E) Young apes and young humans pick up new vocabulary at similar rates.

  4. Research has shown that people who read a job description written only with male pronouns (e.g.,
    he, his) are more likely to think of an employee as male than people who read a description that
    uses gender-neutral language (e.g., he or she). This finding is most closely linked to
    (A) the linguistic relativity hypothesis.
    (B) gender schema theory.

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