Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
finding illustrates the phenomenon  of
(A) social facilitation.
(B) conformity.
(C) deindividuation.
(D) norms.
(E) roles.

  1. The Rosenhan study of mental institutions showed that

(A) treatment   at  private institutions    tends   to  be  better  than    treatment   at  public  institutions.
(B) men are diagnosed at higher rates than women reporting the same symptoms.
(C) it is difficult to convince medical professionals that one has a disorder when one does not.
(D) people are overly concerned about the stickiness of diagnostic labels.
(E) confirmation bias may influence clinicians’ views and treatments of mental patients.

  1. An American teenager’s prototype of a chair is most likely to include

(A) a   desk    and/or  table.
(B) four legs and a seat.
(C) a feeling of anxiety associated with school.
(D) an armchair, a chairlift, and a wheelchair.
(E) pens, pencils, books, and a computer.

  1. According to Kohlberg, in order to reason at the postconventional level, people must

(A) be  generous.
(B) believe in God.
(C) be able to take another person’s perspective.
(D) have had a successful resolution of the integrity versus despair stage.
(E) have been exposed to good, moral role models.

  1. The incidence of schizophrenia in the population is closest to

(A) 1   in  10.
(B) 1 in 100.
(C) 1 in 1,000.
(D) 1 in 10,000.
(E) 1 in 100,000.

  1. It has been suggested that learned helplessness may be related to

(A) major   depressive  disorder.
(B) paranoia.
(C) obsessive-compulsive disorder.
(D) paraphilias.
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