Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (A) Door-in-the-face is a compliance technique in which one begins with a request that is likely to
    be perceived as too large and follows up with a smaller request that will surely be seen as more
    reasonable. Lowballing is when unattractive features of a decision are hidden until after someone
    agrees. Norms of reciprocity is the idea that people feel obliged to treat others as those others have
    treated them. Self-fulfilling prophecy is when one person’s expectations of someone else elicits
    behavioral confirmation in the second person. Foot-in-the-door is when one asks first for a trivial
    favor and then follows up with a larger request. That people acquiesce to the small favor makes it
    more likely that they will say yes to the more substantial second request.

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