Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
■ What  variables   would   Professor   Willborn    examine in  her experimental    study?  What    variables
would Professor Willborn examine in her correlational study? (Use specific terminology
associated with the variables if appropriate.)
■ How could Professor Willborn operationally define at least one of the variables in her
experimental study? How could Professor Willborn operationally define at least one of the
variables in her correlational study? (Do not define the same variable for both methods.)
■ How could Professor Willborn organize her participants to gather data in her experimental
study? How could Professor Willborn organize her participants to gather data in her
correlational study?
■ What kind of conclusion would Professor Willborn be able to form based on the results of her
experimental study? What kind of conclusion would Professor Willborn be able to form based on
the results of her correlational study?

  1. One of the important contributions of psychology has been to identify aspects of thinking and
    experiences outside of conscious awareness. Define each of the terms below and provide an
    example showing how each concept describes an influence on behavior that people are not
    consciously aware of.
    ■ Selective attention
    ■ Cognitive dissonance
    ■ Fundamental attribution error
    ■ Perceptual set
    ■ Sensory memory

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