Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (A) Behaviorist therapies tend to be relatively brief and focus on replacing behaviors that make
    clients unhappy with ones that will make them happier. Psychodynamic therapies tend to be long, in
    part, because they involve a search for the underlying cause of a patient’s issues, a search that often
    involves a discussion of someone’s entire life. Since people from the sociocultural perspective see
    society as the cause of mental illness, short-term therapy that focuses on the individual is difficult.
    Humanistic therapies tend not to be as focused as behaviorist ones; they may focus on more
    abstract issues such as how to find meaning in one’s life rather than on how to alter a particular
    behavior. Somatic therapies are not psychotherapies; most commonly they involve changing one’s
    biochemistry via drugs.

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