Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (C) Cognitive therapy is often somewhat confrontational as cognitive psychologists attempt to
    change the irrational ways their clients think. A common problem that cognitive psychologists fight
    is depressed people’s tendency to globalize and internalize negative thoughts as evidenced by
    Ivan’s assertion that he is completely worthless. The statements in choices A and E would more
    likely be made by a psychoanalytic or psychodynamic theorist as they suggest that the roots of many
    problems are laid in childhood and they stress the importance of the unconscious mind to which
    dreams are clues. The statement in choice B would most likely be made by a behaviorist as it
    stresses the importance of behavior, and the statement in D reflects humanistic psychologists’ belief
    in being nondirective and reflecting back what their clients say.

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