Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (D) Superordinate goals have been found to decrease prejudice, perhaps most notably in Sherif’s
    camp study and Aronson’s use of the jigsaw classroom. All the other phenomena help contribute to
    prejudice. Stereotypes are specific ideas about a group applied to all its members. Scapegoating is
    the practice of blaming members of a disliked group for one’s own misfortunes; it can serve to
    rationalize one’s prejudice. Out-group homogeneity is the belief that members of one’s out-groups
    are essentially all the same, thus facilitating prejudice. Discrimination is acting on one’s
    prejudices; through the process of cognitive dissonance, discrimination may serve to amplify one’s

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