Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (B) Lupe’s situation with Craig represents an approach-avoidance conflict. She is attracted to
    certain aspects of Craig but not to others. In an approach-approach conflict, one has to choose
    between two desirable options—for instance, if Lupe was attracted both to Craig and his brother
    Greg. In an avoidance-avoidance conflict, one has to choose between two undesirable options;
    imagine Lupe’s parents and Craig and Greg’s parents had agreed their children would wed. If Lupe
    disliked both Craig and Greg but had to marry one of them, she would face an avoidance-
    avoidance conflict. In a multiple approach-avoidance conflict, one has to choose between several
    options, each of which has attractive and unattractive features. If Lupe thought Craig was attractive
    but boring and Greg was interesting but not attractive to her, she would face a multiple approach-
    avoidance conflict.

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