Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (D) Young Tina had never seen the space shuttle until her parents pointed out a picture of it ready
    to launch. When she next saw a picture of it flying, she had difficulty recognizing it. Tina’s problem
    can best be explained by shape constancy. Shape constancy is a perceptual constancy that we learn
    from experience. An unfamiliar object looks different from different angles, and we have to learn
    that it is the same. Until we do, we make errors like Tina’s. The autokinetic effect is when a spot of
    light in a dark room appears to move on its own. Dishabituation refers to an increase in response
    that occurs to a novel stimulus. Summation refers to the way the layers of the retina are set up:
    multiple rods and cones synapse with one bipolar cell and multiple bipolar cells synapse with a
    single ganglion cell. Egocentrism is one of the cognitive limitations of the preoperational child,
    according to Piaget.

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