Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (C) According to Kohlberg, in order to reason at a high moral level, people must be able to take
    another person’s perspective. Kohlberg’s theory includes three levels of moral development:
    preconventional, conventional, and postconventional. One of the hallmarks of postconventional
    thought is the ability to see things from multiple perspectives. Although we think of generosity as a
    good thing, it is conceivable that someone in the postconventional stage would decide that
    generosity, at least in some situations, should be avoided. Kohlberg’s theory is not linked to any
    religious beliefs. Erikson’s theory includes the integrity versus despair stage, but this idea is not
    tied to Kohlberg’s theory. One could come to postconventional morality in a number of ways; one
    does not have to have learned one’s moral beliefs from good role models.

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