Private Tutor Sat Writing 2013-2014 Prep Course

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Notice the ambiguous pronoun “they.” Read sentence 8 to see who or what the “they” refers to.
Extracurricular activities. What answer choices specify “activities”? (C) and (D), but (C) has a “being”
and is way wordy. (D) is the correct answer.

Clear, concise, and unambiguous.

#3 - “ing” words: Avoid those awkward “ing” words, particularly having and being!

If you are running out of time, don’t read the essay, rather answer all the
specific questions first to avoid leaving too many answer choices blank.

Let’s do an Improving Paragraphs section together.

Remember to read the essay first, keeping in mind the main idea!

In context, which of the following is the best
way to revise the underlined portion of
sentence 9 (reproduced below)?

They will be the most important factor that helps
you stand out from the rest of the applicants.

(A) (As it is now)
(B) Participating in them is the most important
(C) These activities, being done, will be the most
(D) Participating in these activities will be the
most important
(E) If you participate in them, it will be the most



#1 - Conjunctions: When ETS is testing conjunctions you must read the sentence before to test the direction of
the given sentence. Ask: Is it following along the same direction or flipping direction? You can also use the
answer choices to help you out. If you notice that 4 of the answer choices are flipping direction with conjunctions
such as but, although, however, and yet, and there is only one answer choice that keeps it going the same direction,
such as and, then you know the correct answer is going to be the odd answer choice out (and).

#2 - Pronouns: ETS loves to test pronouns (especially pronoun ambiguity) on Improving Paragraphs. When
you see a pronoun such as they, it, this, those, or that, read the surrounding sentences to see what the pronoun
refers to. Replace the pronoun with a noun, even if it seems a bit repetitive.

Take a look at the specific section of the passage
that this question refers to:

(8) You can be sure that your admittance to college
rests on your extracurricular activities. (9) They will
be the most important factor that helps you stand out
from the rest of the applicants.
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