Private Tutor Sat Writing 2013-2014 Prep Course

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


This is a general question, so be sure to skim the third paragraph before looking at the answer choices.
Summarize paragraph 3 in your own words first: It talks about how his talent affects his whole life and future.

(A) “digress” means to stray from the topic. Does it digress from the main subject? No. The third
paragraph expands on the topic of the essay: his brother’s talent.
(B) “defiant” means disobedient. Is the tone disobedient? Not at all!
(C) does the author repeat words and phrases? Go back and look. The word “talent” is repeated
throughout, as is the sentence pattern “it allows.”
(D) “hyperbole” means exaggeration, and nowhere in the third paragraph does the author
exaggerate or make false assumptions.
(E) any vocab words you stumbled over? Hopefully not!

Correct Answer: (C)

35.A strategy that the writer uses within the third
paragraph is to

(A) digress from the main subject
(B) use a defiant tone
(C) repeat certain words and sentence
(D) make false assumptions and use
(E) use difficult vocabulary
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