Private Tutor Sat Writing 2013-2014 Prep Course

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Essay Structure ......................................................................................

Your essay should be at least 4 paragraphs: An Introductory Paragraph, 2 Body Paragraphs, and a Conclusion

Introductory Paragraph ................................................................

  • The very first element your intro paragraph needs is a Hook – a sentence (or two or three) at
    the beginning of your essay that entices the reader to keep reading. Your hook needs to capture
    the reader’s attention. Make an entrance!

Different types of Hooks:

The Quote

“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a

chance to get its pants on.” Sir Winston Churchill aptly captured

the damaging nature of a lie, whether that lie be a tasty bit of

gossip, or a falsehood that influences on a global scale.

The Shocking Declaration

Every human being has within them the capacity for

unimaginable evil. It is only because of the balance and order

of societal constraints that this malevolence is suppressed.

The Hypothetical Scenario

Imagine gaining all the success you’ve strived for, only to look

around and realize you are totally alone. You have burned all

your bridges and have no true friends, but you are basking in

money and fame.

The Rhetorical Question

How would you feel if you were unable to ask the question:

Why? How would you cope if you were unable to challenge the

assumptions of your peers, supervisors, or loved ones? If you

were forced to accept their absolute power with no chance of

expressing your own voice and needs?

Memorize 3 to 5 quotes that grab
you. You can always use one of these
as your hook. Quotes are a great way
to get the essay moving!

Don’t forget: you need a sentence
that ties the quote back to the rest of
your essay!

It’s a good tactic to be clear in your
point of view and add a bit of surprise
to hook the reader, even if your p.o.v.
is a tad extreme.

This is a great type of hook to use,
especially if you’re stuck on a lead-in.

This is my least favorite of the
hooks, but perfectly acceptable.
Try to limit your rhetorical questions
to 3.
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