viii | IntroductIon
Eureka Math is designed to help accommodate different types of classrooms and to
serve as a resource for educators, who make decisions based on the needs of students. The
“vignettes” of teacher-student interactions included in the curriculum are not scripts, but
exemplars illustrating methods of instruction recommended by the teachers who have
crafted our curriculum.
Eureka Math has been adopted by districts from East Meadows, New York, to Lafayette,
Louisiana, to Chula Vista, California. At Eureka Math we are excited to have created the most
transparent math curriculum in history—every lesson, all classwork, and every problem is
available online.
Many of us have less than joyful memories of learning mathematics: lots of memorization,
lots of rules to follow without understanding, and problems that didn’t make any sense.
What if a curriculum came along that gave children a chance to avoid that math anxiety
and replaced it with authentic understanding, excitement, and curiosity? Like a New York
educator attending one of our trainings said: “Why didn’t I learn mathematics this way when
I was a kid? It is so much easier than the way I learned it!”
Lynne Munson
Washington, DC