Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The Bushmen
roam the deserts of
southern Africa and
gather wild food
from the harsh

The Ashanti peoples of
West Africa are
mainly farmers.


The Tuareg
peoples who
inhabit the Sahara
are pastoralists.

Schools in African towns
and cities are much like
schools anywhere in the
world. Sometimes, however,
pupils must walk many
miles from their homes
to the schoolhouse.

cairo is the capital city of Egypt and the largest city in Africa, with a
population of more than 18 million. it sits on the Nile river near the head
of the river’s delta. The older part of the city contains narrow, winding
streets. The new city has wider streets and many modern office buildings
and flats. The people of cairo are mostly Egyptian, although some come
from all over North Africa, as well as from Europe and the Middle East.

The tallest and most beautiful
mountain in Africa is
Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania.
its highest peak, which rises
19,340 ft (5,895 m), is an
extinct volcano. Although
the mountain is only a few
miles from the equator, the
top is always covered in snow.
A footpath leads to the top,
which can be reached in three
days from the nearest road.
Many people live on the
lower slopes, where they
farm tropical fruits.

The towers of
mosques dominate
Cairo’s skyline.

Africa 10-

The tall Masai of
Kenya herd
cattle on the
open plains.

in the African countryside many
people live in tribal villages. Some,
such as the Kikuyu of East Africa, are
descended from tribes that have lived
in the same place for many centuries.
others are recent immigrants from
other parts of Africa or from other continents.
Borders between countries take little account of these varied cultures. People
of one culture may live in two different countries, and in one nation may be
found more than a dozen different
tribal groupings.

Few pygmies are
taller than 4 ft
(1.25 m). They live
in the dense Congo
rain forest.

FEw rEgioNS oF ThE world are as varied as Africa.
on this vast continent there are 54 independent
nations and many times this number of peoples
and ancient cultures. There are mountains, valleys,
plains, and swamps on a scale not seen elsewhere.
The northern coast is rich and fertile; below it lies
the dry Sahara desert. South of the Sahara, lush rain
forest grows. Most of southern and eastern Africa is
savanna, a form of dry plain dotted with trees and
bushes. The nations of Africa are generally poor,
though some, such as Nigeria, have rich natural
resources. Many governments are unstable, and
rebellions and civil wars are common. There are
few large cities; most are near the coast. The rest
of the continent is open countryside
where people follow traditional lifestyles.

Africa is roughly triangular in
shape. The Atlantic ocean lies to
the west and the indian ocean
to the east. in the northwest
only a few miles of sea separate
the African continent
from Europe.

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