Scramble for africa
Until the 1880s, european conquest
in africa was restricted to the
coastal regions and the main
river valleys. but european
powers wanted overseas
colonies (settlements).
Throughout the 1880s and
1890s, european nations
competed for land in
africa. by 1900, almost
all of africa was in
european hands. The
only independent states
left were the ancient
kingdom of ethiopia in the
east, and the free slave state
of liberia in the west. The
cartoon (left) shows Germany
as a bird “swooping” onto africa.
africa, history of
Find out more
The coming of independence to much of africa after 1956 did
not always bring peace or prosperity to the new nations. many
were weakened by famines and droughts or torn apart by civil
wars. few have managed to maintain civilian governments
without periods of military dictatorships. in 1964, malawi
(formerly nyasaland) became africa’s 35th independent state.
above is the celebration scene.
of african UniTy
despite the many political
differences that exist between
the individual african states, they
all share problems of poverty,
poor health, and lack of schools.
in 1963, the organization of
african Unity (oaU) was
founded to coordinate policies to
solve these problems. it was
replaced in 2002 by the african
Union (aU). above are two
members of the oaU medical
unit treating civil war victims.
in 1948, the national party
came to power in South africa.
years of segregation, known
as apartheid, followed. This
policy gave white people power
but denied black people many
rights, including the vote. in
1990, the african national
congress (anc), a banned black
nationalist movement led by
nelson mandela, was legalized,
and the apartheid laws began to
be dismantled. in 1994, the first-
ever free elections were held.
nelSon mandela
in 1994, nelson mandela (left),
a leader of the anc, became
the president of South africa.
Kingdom of
Ghana in West africa
grows rich on cross-
Saharan trade with
the arabs.
c. 800-1800 Kanem-bornu
1200s Trading cities flourish
on east coast.
1235-1500 Kingdom of mali.
1300-1600 Kingdom of benin.
1300s Great zimbabwe
1350-1591 Kingdom of Songhai.
1500-1800s europeans take
africans as slaves to america.
1838-79 zulus fight against
boers and british.
1880s europeans take
almost total control of africa.
1957-75 most of africa
1990 namibia
zUlU WarS
Some african peoples
managed to resist the europeans
for a time. after 1838, the zulus of southern africa fought first the boers
(dutch settlers) and then the british. in 1879, however, britain finally
defeated the zulus. in 1887, zululand became a british colony. above
is a picture of the british trying to break through zulu lines.
benin kingdom
egypt, ancient
prehistoric peoples
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