Cattle are one of the most numerous
farm animals, with about 1.355 billion in
the world. They were first used
to pull carts. Today some cattle
are bred for their meat (beef
breeds), others for their milk
(dairy breeds), and some for
both (dual-purpose breeds).
There are more than 1,000
breeds and types of cattle
worldwide. The zebu cattle
shown here have a hump
at the shoulders and a
long, narrow face. They were
originally from Southeast Asia
and are suited to hot climates.
Zebu are also used to pull plows.
InTenSIve reArIng
Some farm animals, such as pigs and chickens, are kept under
controlled conditions in huge hangarlike buildings. Chickens are
raised by the thousands in this way, for their meat or their eggs.
The food, temperature, and light in the building are controlled so
that each chicken lays up to 300 eggs each year. Dairy cattle are
milked on a large scale and, in some places, never go outside.
Pigs are kept in pig units like the one shown here. They are fed
an exact mixture of nutrients that makes them put on the most
weight in the least time. Some kinds of pigs gain more than
1.5 lb (0.7 kg) in weight each day. A pig may be sold for pork
when it is only three months old.
There are about 480 million pigs in Asia, and
another 500 million scattered around the world.
Some are allowed to roam freely to feed on
roots, worms, and household scraps; others are
kept inside buildings (see above). There are
hundreds of breeds of pigs, and some of the
largest weigh more than 450 lb (200 kg). Almost
every part of a pig can be eaten, including the
trotters, or feet. Pork is the name for fresh pig
meat; cured or preserved pig meat is called
bacon or ham.
The goat was one of the first animals to be
domesticated. goats feed on thorny bushes,
spiky grasses, and woody stems, and they can
climb up easily into the branches of small
trees to eat the greenery. More than 860
million goats are kept worldwide, often in
dry and mountainous regions. They are
used for their milk, meat, skins, and wool.
The main dairy breed is the Anglo-nubian,
which produces up to 1,200 pints (660 liters)
of milk each year.
Today’s most common breed
of turkey is the broad
breasted White, which was
created by crossing the
White Holland and the
broad breasted bronze,
shown here. Turkeys
came originally from
north America.
When europeans
first traveled to
north America
in the 16th
century, they
(tamed) turkeys
and took some
back to europe.
DuCkS AnD geeSe
Waterfowl such as ducks and geese are kept mainly
for their meat, especially in Southeast Asia. They
also provide fluffy down (underfeathers) for
stuffing mattresses, quilts, and clothing. geese
are good guards in the farmyard, beacause they
hiss at strangers. The most common egg-laying
waterfowl are Indian runner ducks, khaki
campbell ducks, and emden and
Chinese geese.
The Indian runner duck is kept in
large flocks and can move swiftly
because of its long legs, body shape,
and upright stance.
In many parts of the world,
people keep goats for their
milk, which is made into
cheese and yogurt.
The Toulouse goose is
used to produce foie gras.
Adult birds weigh more
than 28 lb (13 kg).
Male turkeys, or
toms, are often twice the
weight of the female hens.
Young turkeys are called poults.
Every November in
the US, millions of
turkeys are eaten
in celebration of
Animal senses
Farming, history of
grassland wildlife
Horses, zebras, and asses
Mountain wildlife
Find out more
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