AgriculturAl revolution
During the 18th century, new methods of
agricultural production were developed
and breeds of livestock were improved,
such as the huge Berkshire pig (above).
the invention of new machines, such
as the seed drill, allowed farmers
to produce more crops.
crop growing
in about 10,000 bce, farmers in the Middle east began to
plant crops to provide food. cereals, such as wheat, barley,
and millet were the main crops. in the Far east, people first
grew rice in about 6,000 bce.
The huge Berkshire pig
was first bred for meat
in the 18th century.
During the 19th century, the development of steam
power and, in the 20th century, the combustion
engine changed agriculture forever. tractors
replaced horses as the main source of power,
and railroads and refrigerated ships meant
that food could be transported all over
the world.
eArly FArMing
the first farmers domesticated
(tamed) wild animals and
kept them in herds to
provide meat, milk, hides,
and wool. Some people
became nomadic
herders rather than
farmers; they moved
their animals continuously
in search of new pasture.
the picture shown here was
painted in a cave in the Sahara
Desert in Africa about 8,000 years ago,
at a time when the desert was grassland.
Seed drill
MeDievAl FArMing
in the 11th century, the hard horse collar came
to europe from china. it allowed horses,
rather than oxen, to pull plows. By
the 13th century, european farms
consisted of open fields and each
peasant farmer had a piece of
land. later, much of the land
was enclosed
with ditches
or hedges.
Farmers need a good supply of
water for their crops. in china
and other Far eastern countries,
where rice is the main crop,
water flows along channels on
the terraced hillsides to make
the paddies for growing rice.
growing cropS and breeding animals for food
are among the most important steps ever taken by
humankind. Before farming began, people fed
themselves by gathering berries and other plant
matter and hunting wild animals. people were
nomadic—they had to move around to find food.
About 12,000 years ago in the Middle east, people
discovered they could grow cereal crops, such as
wheat. these people were the first farmers. with the
start of farming, people began to settle permanently
in one place. villages grew into towns and cities.
Farmers produced enough food to support the
population, so some people were free to do other
jobs such as weaving, and making pottery and tools.
Since everyone depended on farming for their food,
however, many people died of starvation
when the crops failed because of bad
weather. over the centuries people
have tried many different ways of
producing better crops. in the
agricultural revolution of the
1700s, new scientific methods
helped overcome the problem
of crop failure. today, farming
is a huge international industry.
history of
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Farm animals
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