Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


alexander fought many battles.
Usually he had fewer men than
his enemy, but he won because his
men were well trained and
equipped. at the Battle of Issus in
333 bce, alexander, with 36,000
men, defeated Darius and his
110,000 troops. two years later,
with a force of 45,000 men,
alexander again overwhelmed
Darius and his 100,000 soldiers
at the Battle of Guagamela.

After Alexander’s death, Ptolemy Soter, commander of Egypt,
created a huge library at Alexandria. It was said to have contained
more than 500,000 books; today only ruins remain.

In 332 bce, alexander founded the city of
alexandria (named after himself) on the
Mediterranean coast. It soon became a
great port and a center of Greek culture
and learning, attracting poets and scientists
from all over the world. today, alexandria
is the second-largest city in egypt.

Alexander the Great

Dependent region

Alexander’s empire

Independent region

Alexander’s route

By 323 bce one Man haD conqUereD most of the known world
and set up an empire that extended from Greece to India. the name of
the general was alexander, today known as alexander the Great. he was the
son of King Philip II, ruler of Macedonia, a small but powerful Greek kingdom.
In 336 bce, Philip was murdered and alexander became king, although he
was only 20 years old. alexander was an ambitious and brilliant general. In
334, he invaded the great Persian empire ruled by Darius III. after a series of
remarkable victories, alexander then went on to conquer a vast empire running
from egypt in the west to India in the east. When alexander died, aged only 33,
he had led his armies at least 12,000 miles (19,000 km)
and had encouraged the spread of Greek culture
throughout the known world.
after he died, his empire
was divided.
But he is still
considered one
of the greatest
generals who
ever lived.

as a young man alexander
(356-323 bce) was brave and
intelligent. he was taught by the
Greek philosopher aristotle, from
whom he developed
a lifelong interest
in philosophy.

alexander rode into
battle on a beautiful horse called Bucephalus. according to legend,
Bucephalus was completely wild and responded only to alexander.
When Bucephalus died, alexander built a monument and town, called
Bucephala, in honor of him. the city still exists in Pakistan today.









state of Sparta Guagamela

Mediterranean Sea




Find out more
europe, history of
Greece, ancient

the army that alexander led into Persia (Iran)
consisted mostly of infantry, or foot soldiers, armed
with long spears. the infantry fought in a formation
called a phalanx. the men were packed closely
together with their spears pointing
toward the enemy.

Alexander the
Great’s empire,
334-323 bce

Dependent state
of Cyrenaica

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