The science of geneTics has officially existed ever since the word “gene”
was coined in 1909 by the Danish botanist Wilhelm Johannsen (1857-1927).
he invented the term to describe the “particles” of inheritance that pass
characteristics from one generation of plant or animal to the next. The
field of genetics developed over the course of the 20th century, and
produced important discoveries about how genes work. scientists showed
that genes are sections of the long molecules of deoxyribonucleic acid
(DnA) that are connected together to form chromosomes. genes
contain the instructions by which plant and animal cells are built.
genes are passed from both parents to their children
through sexual reproduction. By this process, called
heredity, inheritable characteristics are passed from
one generation to the next.
Deoxyribonucleic acid
is the full name of DnA.
it is the molecule that
holds the coded
instructions within
genes. its structure is a
double helix, with
chemical bonds that
attach one side of the
helix to the other, rather
like the rungs of a ladder.
each “rung” is made up of a
pair of chemicals selected from
a choice of four chemicals, so the
way in which genetic information is
coded is actually very simple.
When a plant or animal is created, it inherits
a combination of genetic information from both of
its parents. heredity is the passing of characteristics
from parents to children. it means that a baby
inherits certain features from each of its parents,
but it also ensures that each baby is usually
different from its brothers and sisters.
Albino hamster
has white fur and
red eyes.
When new DnA
is being created,
sometimes a mistake
can occur during the
copying process.
These mistakes are called
mutations, and they may appear
as a defect or a new characteristic.
if a mutation turns out to be
useful, it may become common
in future generations.
Hamster with
normal coloring
Genetics 229-
each chromosome consists of a
long molecule of DnA. normally,
the molecule is unraveled, but it
coils up to give the chromosome
its characteristic shape (right) when
a cells divides. each gene is a short
section of the chromosome that
contains the instructions needed
to make a particular protein. This
is just one of the large group of
chemicals that control the features,
such as eye color. humans have
around 23,000 genes.
The nucleus of a living cell
contains a number of pairs
of chromosomes. They are
rather like filing cabinets
that store all of the genetic
information of the plant or
animal. chromosomes are
arranged in pairs that carry
identical or different forms
of the same genes.
The sides of the
“ladder” are made up
of phosphate and
sugar molecules.
Each “rung”
is a pair of
called bases.
The sex chromosomes determine
whether a cell is male or female.
Males contain an XY pair, while
females contain an XX pair.
X chromosome
Blue eyes
Some of the features
controlled by genes
can be easily seen.
The genes in this girl’s
cells make her eyes
blue, her hair straight,
and her skin fair.
The genes in this boy’s
cells make his eyes
brown, his hair wavy,
and his skin dark.
The DNA molecule looks
something like a twisted
ladder in this model. In
real life it is a chain of tens
of thousands of atoms.
Children resemble their parents
but are not identical to them.
Wavy hair
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