Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Containers of clear
glass both protect
their contents and
display them. lenses
are specially shaped
pieces of glass that
bend and concentrate
light. But not all glass
is functional; some
glassware is simply

stiCky Clay and dry sand are more familiar on the end
of a shovel than on the dinner table. yet these are the basic
ingredients in the manufacture of the plates we eat from,
and the jars and bottles in which we buy preserved food
and drinks. Glass and ceramic materials share some useful
qualities: they resist the flow of heat and electricity, and
they have a hard, nonreactive surface. But they are
different in other ways: light passes through glass but not
ceramics, and ceramics stay strong when they are heated.
in their most basic forms, glass and ceramic objects are
brittle, but special additives and manufacturing methods
make both materials much tougher. Glass and ceramics
are ancient materials. the Egyptians made decorative glass
beads more than 5,000 years ago, and pottery is even older.


the breath of the glassblower
inflates soft glass on the end of
a tube into a bubble. skillful
shaping makes the bubble into
fine glassware as it cools.

Find out more

HEat rEsistanCE
Ceramics can withstand very
high temperatures. Ceramic
tiles keep astronauts cool
even when their space shuttle
glows red from the intense
heat of re-entry.
Heating sand,
limestone, and
soda ash in a
furnace together
with recycled
glass produces
molten glass.

The molten glass is
poured onto a pool of
molten tin, which makes
the glass spread into a flat
sheet suitable for windows.

The glass sets and
hardens on the cooler tin.

A lump of hot, soft
glass is placed in
a bottle-shaped mold.

Blowing air into the
mold makes the
glass inflate into
a bubble, which
expands to form
the bottle.

stainEd Glass
strips of lead hold together the
many pieces of colored glass in the
stained glass windows that decorate
homes, churches, and temples.

damp clay is easy
to mold into
pottery and tiles;
heat sets the
shape permanently.
Ceramics resist heat
and electricity, so
they are ideal for
insulating objects
that get hot, such
as spark plugs.

Ceramic tile

Glass bottle for
holding ink

jug made
in the
Enamel is a glasslike
layer on metal and
other objects that
protects them from
damage and corrosion. Colored enamel
gives ornaments a beautiful appearance.

Making glass

Glass bottle for
holding medicines

Spark plug
for car

plastic with fibers
of glass produces
a material called
fiberglass or glass-
reinforced plastic,
which is tough
enough to be used
for car bodies.

glass which
is a large
convex lens.

Pottery mug


The glass then
cools and
sets hard.

Sand Limestone Soda ash

Glass and ceramics

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