Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Jefferson was a self-taught architect, and he
built his home, monticello (above), on a hilltop
near charlottesville, VA. inside were several of
Jefferson’s own inventions, including a swivel chair,
and an indoor weathervane connected to the roof.

louisiAnA purchAse
one of the most important achievements
of Jefferson’s presidency was the purchase
of the louisiana territory from France in
1803, which doubled the size of the united
states. Jefferson had always encouraged
westward expansion. he sent meriwether
lewis and William clark on their famous
expedition (1804-08) from the missouri
river across the rockies to the pacific.

thomas Jefferson served as secretary
of state under George Washington and
vice president under John Adams. in
1800, he was nominated for president,
but the result was a tie. After a vote in
congress, Jefferson was named president
the following year. in his first term, he
worked to reduce the government’s
national role. he tried to make the
presidency less formal, asking guests
to shake his hand instead of bowing.
he was elected to a second term in
1804, and managed to maintain the
united states’ neutrality while the
napoleonic wars raged in europe.

Before the
purchase, the
United States
stretched from
the Atlantic
coast to the
Mississippi River.


Jefferson holds
the Declaration
of Independence.

1743 Born in shadwell, VA.
1767 Begins law practice.
1776 Writes the declaration
of independence.
1785 serves as minister
to France.
1789 Appointed us
secretary of state.
1796 elected vice president.
1801 Begins first of two
terms as president.
1819 Founds the university
of Virginia.
1826 dies at monticello.



American revolution
declaration of independence
united states, history of

Find out more

Jefferson joined the Virginia legislature in 1769,
and soon became one of those patriots leading
the fight for fair representation in Britain. in
1775 and 1776, he was chosen as delegate
to the continental congress. Because
of his knowledge of the law and
his clear writing skills, he was
asked to draft the declaration
of independence.


the Author oF the declArAtion oF independence and the
third president of the united states, thomas Jefferson helped to shape the
American spirit. Born in Virginia, Jefferson began his career as a lawyer.
At 25 he joined the Virginia legislature, where he became a leading voice for
colonial self-rule. in 1776, Jefferson wrote the declaration of independence;
its adoption led to the American revolution. he took up a diplomatic post
in paris, France, in 1784. in 1801, Jefferson was elected to the first of two
terms as president. Jefferson’s policies were shaped by his belief in the
right of people
to govern

Benjamin Franklin (left), John
Adams (center), and Thomas
Jefferson (right) study the
Declaration of Independence.

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